5♥ | 2♥ | 9♥ | 10♣ | 6♣ | 2♦ | 7♣ | 10♦ |
A♣ | 4♦ | A♦ | 4♠ | J♥ | 6♥ | 7♠ | 5♠ |
2♠ | Q♦ | 8♥ | 5♣ | 9♣ | J♦ | 9♦ | J♠ |
J♣ | 7♥ | 3♠ | A♥ | 4♥ | Q♥ | 2♣ | 9♠ |
6♠ | 10♥ | Q♣ | Q♠ | K♣ | 6♦ | 3♣ | 4♣ |
5♦ | 10♠ | 8♦ | K♥ | A♠ | 3♥ | 8♣ | 7♦ |
K♦ | K♠ | 8♠ | 3♦ | | | | |
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Solution for any version of Windows (95-XP/Vista/7/8/10), Microsoft Solitaire Collection, Xbox:
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Solution for mobilityware:
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